Talks with Myrt

Why Affirmations are Important

Episode Summary

I am full of abundance and prosperity and al great things happen to me! This is the affirmation that Myrts spoke to will his way out of depression and change his life.

Episode Notes

In this episode Myrts speaks on how affirmation can be an important tool in your life. He speaks on how someone said Affirmations are no good because you are speaking from a place of lack and they magnify what you aren't. Myrts say it's partially true, because you do begin from a place of lack, but that's why you speak them repeatedly. So that you train your mind and energy to match the frequency of the things that you're asking for. Like he said before, think of a red truck, you're going to see a red truck. He also speaks on how we talk to ourselves on a daily. Most time it's not the best. We can beat ourselves up, so speaking affirmations changes the conversations that you have with yourself. If you're speaking to yourself positively and like you're deserving of what you're asking of, you will feel more confident and better about yourself. He speaks on how as you go through life, your affirmations change. Now he is in a time of his life where he is healing his inner child, so his affirmations has changed to lift up little Myrts. Myrts speaks on how you must do the work as well while speaking affirmations. Faith without work is dead. Hear this and more in the new episode. 

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